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Principal's Welcome

Welcome to Crawfordsville High School!

We appreciate your interest in our school and visiting our website. It is an exciting time to be an Athenian as we have made several updates to our building over the past few years. These renovations have enhanced our building and facilities which were already amazing. Our building and facilities represent our community’s strong commitment to education.

At CHS our motto is Enter to learn, go forth to serve. We embrace this motto as we strive to offer many different courses, pathways and opportunities for our students during their high school experience. Our goal is for our students to be prepared for life after high school as they take the next step in their life to the military, workforce, college, etc. Our staff prides themselves on working together as a team to provide high quality instruction, connecting with our students and providing them with a variety of extracurricular activities. We believe that when students are involved and connected at school are more likely to be successful students and maintain that success after high school. At CHS, we have created an environment where everyone is excited and wants to be at our school.

Please remember that we are always open for suggestions for improvement and welcome your input. We will use a variety of means to communicate with our parents, students and community. You can follow us on social media and we will also use our website to post important information regarding our school. We look forward to continuing our strong tradition of learning at CHS and  please do not hesitate to contact us with questions, concerns or suggestions.

Your Partner in Education,

Jay Strickland, CHS Principal